Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Coachella Pig Found!


The big ass pig that was released and then lost during Roger Waters' (of classic rock band Pink Floyd) performance at the Coachella Music Festival's been found!

The pig was as tall as a two-story house and as wide as two buses, but was just found in tatters a few miles away from the festival venue.

Poor little swine!

The pig had also displayed the words "Don't be led to the slaughter" and a cartoon of Uncle Sam holding two bloody cleavers on one side. The other side read "Fear builds walls" and the underside read "Obama" with a ticked ballot box for Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

Concert organizers had offered a $10,000 reward for its return which will be split between two householders who found piles of pink plastic in their gardens.

Oink oink!

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