Friday, May 9, 2008

The Purchase Is Almost Complete!


Good news for her Madgesty!

Reports are surfacing that officials in Malawi are finally going to grant FULL adoption rights to Madonna and her family.

Her Madgesty has been caring for her son David on an 18-month interim custody order that was granted back in 2006.

Madge and her family were recently being monitored at their London home by Malawian social workers to ensure they were suitable parents.

A leaked official document referring to Madonna and Guy Ritchie, states, "Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie have shown a strong commitment in providing the infant with all essential needs like love, safe home environment, care, protection, material as well as emotional support."

It adds that David had "bonded well with the couple and other key members of the household" and that he "continues to develop into a happy thriving toddler. His survival, growth and development is excellent."

The court will hear a full review of the case next week on May 15th.

Madonna is expected to return to Malawi next week to continue her charity work. She will not be required during the hearing though.

An official says, "She will have to come to court to sign the full adoption documents later."

There are still those opposed to the whole adoption, such as the Human Rights Consultative Committee, which as "friends of the court", have decided to challenge the adoption. They are seeking a full review of the interim order granted to Madonna.

Why you gotta be interfering with a baby's happiness???

Not cool!

Yea, that's the way to do it. Take David away from his family and place him back into poverty where he might die of malnutrition or worse!

Let's hope all goes well with the adoption!

[Image via WENN.]

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