Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lindsay Needs Your Help


Lindsay Lohan's reps are casting models on Thursday to help Lohan with her new leggings line

La Lohan must be broke or something cause she wants the models to work for free!!!!

Here's the casting notice an industry insider sent our way:

Casting for Models for Look book Shoot- Looking for diverse, multi-cultural, mixed races, an "off beauty" is good as well as "beautiful"..  No Blondes please. 

CASTING FOR: The Look Book Shoot for 6126 - a new contemporary collection of leggings designed by Lindsay Lohan

USAGE: web, look book, worldwide

RATE: trade

DATE of SHOOT: May 9th 6am call time in Los Feliz (address TBC)

CASTING DATE: May 8, 2008 430pm

ADDRESS OF CASTING: 450 N Roxbury Drive (Little Santa Monica and Roxbury) 6th floor (Membrane Offices) ask for Sarah or Ken.

No phone calls please.

Please do not send models to the casting unless they are available for shoot and call time and they agree to trade terms. 


[Image via WENN.]

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